I've been reluctant to brag about our new puppy, Oliver ... if you've known me for more than a couple years you've certainly heard me complain, probably at great length, about our last puppy a couple years back. He kinda terrorized our house, or mostly me, I guess, no one else really seemed too bothered. He peed everywhere all the time and he chewed up just about everything including my sun hat from Mexico, my very expensive bra, my very expensive bra that I bought to replace the first very expensive bra and Maya's tap shoes. Not cool. But ... Koda is a very good big boy now and I forgave him awhile back. So, while watching White Fang over Christmas break, I got all teary-eyed and agreed to the second puppy. He does have a tendency to pee everywhere, but look at this face! He's so dang cute! Plus, he was abandoned and really needed a family like ours to love him.
Koda is so happy to have a best friend and, as you can see, he is a very tolerant big brother :)